You are about to get a list of all welding schools in North Dakota.
There aren’t that many of welding schools in North Dakota so you should find out as much as you can about these schools in order to figure out which one is best for you.
When you search welding technician programs make sure to pay close attention to the courses and classes the program is composed of. This will have a big impact on the job you will do as a welder out of school.
Most comprehensive welding programs will cover all of the basic welding processes and welding technology behind them. However, some programs let you specialize and if you already know the career path you want to take then it is a good idea to find a program that propels you in the right direction.
General education is good but attending a program that teaches you let’s say nondestructive weld testing or pipe welding besides standard knowledge like basics of MIG, TIG, Stick and Oxy welding is going to help you learn the actual application of what you learned.
Average welders salary in North Dakota
Welders in North Dakota earn on average $57,320 in North Dakota according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is big time salary. Since that’s the average number you can imagine that this job can pay even higher depending on your skills and experience.
North Dakota sits somewhere at the top of the highest-paid states for welders. Only Alaska and Wyoming can top it off.
List of welding schools in North Dakota
The schools are ordered by alphabet. If you would like us to update or add a listing please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Bismarck State College
- Location: 1500 Edwards Ave, Bismarck, ND 58506
- Phone number: 701-224-5400
- Email:
- Website:
- Obtainable credentials: Certification, Associate degree
Lake Area Career & Technology Center
- Location: 205 16TH ST NW Devils Lake, ND 58301
- Phone number: 701-662-7650
- Website:
- Obtainable credentials: Certification
Lynnes Welding Training Inc.
- Location: 4329 Centurion Dr, Bismarck, ND 58504
- Phone number: 701-751-4256
- Website:
- Obtainable credentials: Certification
North Valley Career and Technology Center
- Location: 1540 School Road, Grafton, ND 58237
- Phone number: 701-352-3705
- Email:
- Website:
- Obtainable credentials: Certification
North Dakota State College of Science
- Location: 800 6th St N, Wahpeton, ND 58076
- Phone number: 701-671-2401
- Email:
- Website:
- Obtainable credentials: Certification, American Welding Society Accredited Test Facility
Sitting Bull College
- Location: 1341 92nd St, Fort Yates, ND 58538
- Phone number: 701-854-8000
- Email:
- Website:
- Obtainable credentials: Certification
Quentin Burdick Job Corps
- Location: 1500 University Ave West, Minot, ND 58703 United States
- Phone number: 336-224-4868
- Website:
- Obtainable credentials: Certification
United Tribes Technical College
- Location: 3315 University Dr, Bismarck, ND 58504
- Phone number: 701-255-3285
- Website:
- Obtainable credentials: Certification, AWS Accredited Test Facility
Williston State College
- Location: 1410 University Avenue, Williston, ND 58801
- Phone number: 701-774-4200
- Email:
- Website:
- Obtainable credentials: Certification
North Dakota has a limited number of welding schools but that shouldn’t stop you from pursuing your welding career. North Dakota welding jobs are highly paid and welders are also highly sought after everywhere so you should contact these schools and get information on welding technician programs they offer and see which one will work the best for you.