61 Best Welding Projects to Build at Home – Excellent Ideas For Beginners and Professionals

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Welding can be a great way to make money, and even beginners can go with it. Turning your hobby into a thing that pays extra money is one of the best things you can do.

Various welding projects are a great way to do it.

Feature image for best welding projects article

But, first, you need to consider your welding skills and the amount of money you are willing to invest. Beginners can always start with some simple projects made out of scrap metal. Then, once you get the hang of it, you can earn few bucks.

Experienced welders can opt for some serious welding project, where you have to invest a bit more into materials but earn a high profit.

That is why we made this list of best welding projects for beginners and professionals that can give you some great ideas on how to improve your workshop, yard, decorate home, or just sell.

Best Welding Projects for Your Workshop

Before doing any serious work, you should make sure your workplace is as comfortable as it can be. To do that, we brought you some ideas on how to improve your workshop and make your job easier

1. Simple Welding Table

The table is a crucial part of your workshop as it increases your productivity a lot. You can start by making a simple DIY welding table out of a handful of straight metal pieces. You need to make a basic box steel frame, then weld 12 straight metal slats along the top. Therefore you have a functional table that has enough space for clamping. Follow these instructions to find out how to make this project.

Image of a DIY metal table for welding shop with all the accessories beneath
Image taken from 6ldesigns.com
diy table image
Image taken from Pinterest

2. Simple Shop Stool

There is always some scrap metal around your workshop that gets in your way. To store it, you can always use some tubular steel to make a rectangular box frame and weld sheet steel on it. You can permanently attach a padlock, as you should only hinge the top. Therefore you got a simple box to store the metal you may find helpful in the future. Follow these instructions to find out how to make this project. Making it won’t take too much, and you’ll get quite useful box.

Image of a DIY metal stool for welding shop with hight adjustments
Image of a simple DIY metal stool

4. Tool Rack and Shelves to Store Your Welding Equipment

To organize your tools and equipment, you can always make a simple tool rack and shelves. However, the best thing about this welding project is that you can customize it the way you want it. If you have a small workshop, you should opt for a wall hanging rack as they don’t take too much space. Attach shelves to proper wall studs.

In addition, if you have a lot of equipment, you can always make a nice shelf. Just make sure it is big enough to fit all your stuff. A proper storage rack will grant you some extra storage space you are going to love.

Image of a simple DIY metal welding tool shelves
Image of a simple DIY metal welding tool shelves and tool rack

5. Simple Welding Cart

Metal carts are a great way to move your welder and cylinders and organize cables. In addition, they are easy to make. You need a cold-rolled steel rod for handles, cartwheels caster and support, metal strips, and angle iron brackets.

Keep in mind that you need to draw a design before you start. Then, you should make it big enough to fit your welder and everything you need. Once you make it, you can easily move your heavy welder. Follow these instructions to make this simple welding cart.

Image of a welder finishing a simple DIY welding cart for his welding machine
Image of a welding cart with a Hobart welding machine and a gas cylinder on it

6. MIG Gun Holder

If you use a MIG welder often, you don’t want to leave MIG welding tools around your workshop. You can always make a simple clamp attachment that will help you safely put your gun down. This is an easy project as it is efficient, and it may boost your productivity.

Leaving your MIG gun in the way can cause troubles, as you can have the automatic feed option on, or accidentally press the button. You can see an idea of a great holder on the picture below.

Image of a DIY MIG gun holder made from a wrench
Image of a DIY MIG gun holder made from a metal tube and a C clamp locking pillars

Easy and Simple Beginner Welding Projects

7. Horseshoe Coat Rack

Grab some horseshoes, clamp them down, and then weld them together. Then you just need to add the holders to what you’ve created so that it can hold coats. It can be put together in just minutes. The project is quite simple, and you can always watch the video below, to see how it is made. It is a great way to start your DIY career.

Coat rack made of a horseshoe
horseshoe made into a coat rack

8. Metal Shoe Rack

If you have problems with all the shoes and boots around the house, you can always make a shoe rack. You can use cheap metal pieces you can even find around your house and weld them together, and your problem is solved.

Shoe rack made of a horseshoes
shoe rack made of a iron bars

9. DIY Pencil Holder

This is a cool welding project you can build very quickly. An industrial pencil holder is a great way to organize your markers end pencils around your workshop, and all you need is scrap metal. Simply weld the leftovers form other projects and you are good to go.

You can always paint it or use your unique design, and you also got a perfect handmade gift. You can find instructions on how to make it here, or just use it as an idea on your own unique project.

simple pencil holder made square tubes, and some iron welded together
Simple pencil holder made of a wrench and some tubes

10. Jewelry Holder

This is a simple project that looks very awesome. First, you need to weld small, straight pieces and make the shape of a tree. Once you make a tree, weld it to a square piece of steel, and put it in your favorite place. You just made a great way to hold and exhibit your jewelry. Below, you can find an idea on how to make it. You can always improvise and use the picture just as guideline.

Jewelry Holder made of a horseshoe
Jewelry Holder made of a horseshoe  welded together

11. Miniature Sculptures

You can always make some miniature sculptures out of sheet metal or cuts of steel lying around your workshop. Just hand-hammer it into a shape you want and weld bits together. There are some fantastic sculptures out there, and you can always start by making something simple. Then, once you get the hang of it, you can create stunning sculptures that could fit the shelves of a modern gallery. In addition, you can decorate your workshop or even your house. Follow these instructions to learn more on how to make some awesome sculptures.

metal welded sculpture of a man sitting on a chair
Metal welded sculpture of a dogo

12. Atom And Snowflake Ornament

If you are a science lover, you can always make a simple atom ornament. First, you need ball bearings and steel rods to connect the elements into a cube shape. Leave the bearing on each point, one on the middle, and connect them with more steel rods. You can use ornament to decorate house, or as a gift to your scholar friend, as it is really simple to make. If they like it, you can always opt to sell it for a couple of bucks. Follow these instructions to find out how to make this awesome project.

metal welded sculpture of a snoflake
image of atomium project

Best Yard Welding Projects

Here are some excellent welding project ideas on how to make your yard look fabulous. Keep in mind that some of these require you to be an experienced welder. In addition, you can make some quite easily, so you should give it a try.

13. Outdoor Fire Pit

There’s nothing better than a cold night in a yard by the fire pit. As it provides heat, the fire pit looks fantastic when it is in full flame. You are going to need some steel sheets made of textured steel to make it. Just cut the side panels out of half sheet and the base, and weld them together.

Make the basic frame so the pit can sit nicely, and there you go. Keep in mind that you can always put a drain hole at the bottom of the fire pit to make sure it doesn’t hold the rain as it can rust. Follow these instructions to find out how to make this cool project.

image of a DIY metal welded outdoor fire pit
Image of a more complex DIY metal welded outdoor fire pit

14. Shepard’s Hooks

Shepard’s hooks are great decorative plant hangers that help your climbing plants grow. These are cool welding projects that require a bit more skill. You need a 0.25-inch space bare for the stem and a bending machine to create the scroll. You can make it a one or two-scroll hook with a few bends, as they both look fantastic.

Image of a DIY metal welded shepherd's hook painted red
Image of a DIY metal welded shepherd's hook made from welded water pipes

15. Metal Trellis

If you like to grow your plants, you can always build a garden trellis to help the climbing plants grow. You can make it any size or shape, leave it stand-free or attach it to a fence. You need to make a basic frame and attach cross-sections and support bars. You can even connect the triangular roof section to make it look even better. You can always start by making a simple ones, as it will help your plants a lot. Follow these instructions to find out how to make this project.

image of a DIY metal welded trails made from welded water pipes for yard gardening
Image of a DIY metal welded trails in a shape of a house

16. BBQ Keg Pit

If you have an old steel keg, you can always use it to make a fantastic BBQ. However, keep in mind that this project might require some more skill. You need to cut the middle of the metal barrel and create a hinged lid. For the legs and the cross-sections, you can use square tubes. Keep in mind that you need some vents on the side and the top.

DIY BBQ Keg Pit with fire coming out of it
DIY BBQ Keg Pit in the making

17. BBQ Pit

We all enjoy some excellent food cooked over an open fire in a yard. The BBQ pit is a wonderful and helpful project, and your friends will admire it. You can always weld a simple grill over the fire pit you already built. Even though you can always buy fancy store grills, making one can be satisfactory. Follow these instructions to find out how to make this project.

DIY BBQ Pit made from a barrel's half
DIY BBQ Pit made from a stainless steel barrel's half

19. Smoker

If you love to grill in the yard, you should also get yourself a smoker. Of course, you can always buy a cheap one in the market, spend your money, and hope it will last more than a couple of seasons. Instead, you can build one on your own. This is a quick project, but you might need some experience. Follow these instructions to find out how to make this awesome smoker.

DIY Smoker welded from a metal barrel
Black DIY Smoker welded from a metal barrel

20. Wood Stove

If you like to cook some of your meals and make hot beverages outside, you can always build a wood stove. It is simple to use, and it will keep the smoke away from your yard. You just need to follow simple instructions, use steel drum, and cast iron door. You got yourself a cheap brand new wood stove that will serve you well. Follow these instructions to find out how to make this project.

Fancy metal welded Wood Stove
Metal welded DIY wood stove

21. Spoon Flower

To decorate your yard, you can always use some old spoons to make a spoon flower. You can make it easily by using the things you don’t need around your kitchen and weld them together. This simple project looks awesome and you don’t need much time to make. Still, it will give a unique look to your garden. Watch the video below to find out how to weld an awesome flower using spoons and old bike chain.

Metal art made from welded spoons in the shape of a flower
Metal art made from welded spoons in the shape of a bouquet of flowers

22. Wood-fired pizza oven

Having a couple of separate stoves, such as a fire pit, chimney, and pizza cooker, can take a lot of space in your yard. That’s why people got an idea of making pizza ovens on their own.

Use an old compressor tank to make a perfect DIY pizza cooker. Just add door, chimney, legs, and separate the cooking area. This project may require some skills, but the results are satisfying.

Welded Wood fired DIY pica oven
Welded Wood fired DIY pica oven made from a barrel
Laura Kampf – Youtube

24. Triangular Brazier Project

This is just a fancier version of the simple fire pit mentioned above, and it might look more remarkable to some, but keep in mind that it is a bit harder to make. You will need to cut the triangular sides perfectly, weld the side sheets and rectangular frame to keep it all together, and make sure you can put it on the ground without falling. Watch the video below to find out how to make this amazing fire pit.

Welded DIY fire pit in a shape of a piramide
Welded DIY fire pit in a shape of a piramide

Make Your Tables, Desks, Stools, and Furniture

You can always refresh your old tables and coffee tables with brand new frames out of preferred material you can weld yourself. You don’t need to spend big bucks, but keep in mind that they might require some more welding skills.

25. Coffee Table

Coffee tables are usually expensive, and they can get worn out pretty quickly. However, you can make a simple table using cheap materials that can be much studier than shop ones. Of course, you can always use some old square tubing or opt for another preferred material. In addition, once they get damaged or burned by coffee mugs, they get an even better, rustic look. Find out how to make this amazing project by watching the video below.

DIY coffee table made from a square tubes and wood

26. Paired Block Table Set

If you like having friends over, this is an excellent welding project idea. This set will save your space but is capable of guesting more than a few friends. Innovative design helps you slip smaller ones in easily, providing more space in the room yet enough space to leave your drinks on. Follow these instructions to find out how to make this cool project.

DIY Paired Block Table Set made from square tubes and wood
DIY Paired Block Table Set made from square tubes and wood

27. Modern Outdoor Table

This project may look complicated the first time you see it. Yet, this modern-shaped unique square coffee table is actually easy to make. This is a great thing to have in your yard, as you can leave your food and drinks on it. This is one of many great unique square coffee table welding ideas. Find out how to make this awesome table by watching the video below.

DIY Modern Outdoor Table made from square tubes and wood
DIY Modern Outdoor Table made from square tubes and wood, version 2
MJA Woods

28. Dining Table Set

You can make a functional dining table set without spending too much money. This might be a complicated project, but the money you’ve saved and the final result will be satisfying in the end. You can opt for making separate chairs or two sitting benches. Benches are easier to make, but someone dislikes the comfort. Table set might be a difficult to make, and you can also opt for selling ones in the future. Find out how to make this table by following these instructions.

DIY Dining Table Set  made from square tubes and wood
DIY Dining Table Set  made from square tubes and wood with chairs

29. Corner Couch

If you decide to buy a corner sofa in your retail store, you will spend quite a few bucks. Yet, you can easily make a simple frame using your welder and a few lengths of steel. It will be a lot cheaper if you only spend your money on cozy cushions. Restoring your old corner couch will be easy if you follow these instructions.

DIY Corner Couch made from square tubes and wood
DIY Corner Couch made from square tubes and wood, version 2

31. Serving Bar

To create an excellent serving bar, all you need power MIG welder to attach 1×1 inch steel tubing to a wrap-around sheet of corrugated metal. You can also make wooden shelves inside the bar. The top is made of a stainless steel sheet, and you just need to remove sharp pieces. You can also add lockable wheels to move it around the house and in the yard. This might be a bit complex project, but if you follow these instructions, you can make it easily.

DIY Serving Bar made from square tubes and wood
DIY Serving Bar on two flours made from square tubes and wood

32. Minimalist Steel Chair

People enjoy relaxing in a hammock, but it can be hard to move around. Some people even don’t have a place to hang them. This is a hammock-like rocking chair that can solve your problems. It might be a bit difficult to make, but all you need to do is follow instructions. Keep in mind that this project might be a bit difficult to make. Still, results are amazing as you will love your chair.

DIY Steel Chair made from square tubes and wood
DIY Steel Chair with spring made from square tubes and wood

33. Simple Bar Stool

If you already made your other furniture, you can always make a simple bar stool. The unique design uses an angle section that can be pretty attractive. Yet, they distribute the weight perfectly. One of the most important things is keeping the angles perfect. You need to precisely mark and cut them. In addition, you need to weld brackets to ensure the stool is sturdy. In the end, they are welded easily. Watch the video below to find out how to make simple bar stool.

DIY Simple Bar Stool with spring in the making
DIY Simple Bar Stool with spring made from square tubes and wood

34. Corner Desk

Corner desks are a great way to utilize the limited space around the house. The design uses stabilizing bars, which makes it super sturdy. In addition, it has a classy look. The best thing about corner desks is that they save so much space. Watch the video below to find out how to build a cheap but functional corner desk.

DIY Corner Desk made of square tubes and wood
DIY Corner Desk made of square tubes and wood, version 2

House Decoration Welding Projects

These are some simple and small welding projects you can make easily to decorate your house. They won’t take too much of your time, and you don’t need to spend a fortune on materials. In addition, you can opt to sell them for few bucks and earn some money by doing what you love.

36. Hanging Sign

If you like having friends over, they will find the wrought iron hanging sign unique. You can use it to name their favorite place, but you can also put your address on it. The wrought iron sign is simple to make, and it will give a great look to your home. Follow these detailed instructions to find out how to build your sign and give your place a nice glow.

Welded DIY Hanging Sign 1
Welded DIY Hanging Sign 2 edited

37. Metal House Numbers

If you live in a boring neighborhood, you can always make your home stand out from the crowd by using unique house numbers. You can make them as big and as bold as you want, use different welding technique to give them a unique design. They can even be 3D if you wish. Here are some ideas on what can you number design look like.

Metal House Number 1209
Metal House Number  from 0 to 9

38. Stainless Steel Polygon Bowl

If you like art, you can always make yourself a unique stainless steel polygon fruit bowl. It might be hard to fain a stainless steel plate, but it is well worth it. All you need to do is follow simple instructions, read about all the necessary tools and materials, and that’s it. Then, you’ve got yourself a perfect minimalist fruit bowl.

DIY Polygon Bowl made of a stainless steel
DIY Polygon Bowl made of a stainless steel version 2

40. Stainless Steel Vase

If you want to complete a stainless steel decorative collection, you can add a stainless steel vase to your fruit bowl. Vase also has a unique design that looks great as a set or a stand-alone piece. It might be a bit difficult to make it, but if you follow simple instructions, you’ll get a great vase, and you don’t need to worry about your pet breaking it.

DIY Vase made of stainless steel rings welded together
DIY Vase made of stainless steel square tube

41. Steel Picture Frame

You can always make some awesome metal picture frames by cutting square tubing at a 45-degree angle. Then, connect them by using a clean TIG welding and clean the beads. This is one of the straightforward welding projects for beginners, and once you get the hang of it, you can sell them for few bucks. Find out how to make steel frames by watching the video below.

Welded DIY Steel Picture Frame made
Welded DIY Steel Picture Frame made of a junk

43. Flag Art

You can always use this fantastic wood/metal combination to make amazing flag art. You can hang this interesting welding project in front of your house or even sell it if your friends like it. You need some cutting skills to make it, but the final results are amazing. Here is an idea on how should it look with some additional information.

American flag art made with tig welding on a stainless steel
American flag art made with welding.

44. Wine Bottle Holder

Just follow simple instructions, and you can make it easier. For example, it might take you less than half an hour to do it. You can use an old chain that’s lying around your workshop to make a great wine bottle holder. This welding project looks incredible, and it will hold your bottle firmly.

DIY wine bottle holder welded together
DIY wine bottle holder made from a chain welded in place

45. Welded Portraits

You can use your welding skills to create a portrait of the characters or persons you love. But, first, you need to draw the picture on the metal and prove your TIG welding skill, following the directions. This is a great welding idea, and your friends will love it. Once you get the hang of it, you can even sell it. Here is a video to help you start welding your own pictures and portraits.

DIY Welded Portraits art made on a stainless steel plate with tig welding
DIY Welded Portraits art made on a stainless steel plate with tig welding

46. Christmas Tree Ornaments

If you lack ideas for the Christmas tree decoration, this beginner project might be a great idea to do it. You just need to weld simple shapes to make stars, angels, sleds, and everything that can fit your tree. If they impress the people, you can even sell them for few bucks. Yet, they are easy and cheap to make. Follow these instructions to find out how to make a simple ornament.

Christmas Tree Ornaments made with welding
Christmas Tree Ornaments made of a welded nuts

Fence, Door, and Gate Projects to Prove Your Welding Skills

Building a fence or gates is crucial to protect your garden from unwanted guests. You can also build a security door to make sure there are no intruders at your workshop. These are some serious welding projects that require slightly higher investment, and it may take some time to make them.

47. Garden Fence

You can always build a fence to protect your garden from the pets and wild animals that are straying. You are going to need steel rods and aluminum-magnesium wire mesh. Space your rods enough to make sure animals can’t get through. You can decide on a height on your own and make sure it is high enough to keep the unwanted guests. Here is a video with an idea on how to make metal garden fence.

DIY garden fence made with welding
DIY garden fence made with welding, 2

48. Small Gates

Once you built your face, you are going to need a proper garden gate. They don’t need to be fancy, as small gates are usually used in your backyard. You can make them quickly as they are a simple welding project idea. You can use the video above to get an idea on how to make some nice gate.

DIY Small Gates in the process of welding
DIY Small Gates made of square tubes with welding

49. Entry Gate Projects

If you want to stand out from the crowd, you can always build yourself a great and fancy entry gate. This cool welding project will take some time and money to make, but it is well worth it. To make a grand entry gate, you need aluminum bars or ornamental wrought iron and MIG welding tools. Even though they can be hard to make, it is way cheaper than buying one. In the end, you can opt to sell ones in the future. Here is a video on how to make an amazing entry gate.

DIY Entry Gate Projects
DIY Entry Gate Projects in the making

50. Pet Gate

If you have pets, you are going to need to make a small door for them. They are simple to make and a great way to make sure your pets can go outside in an emergency. You need to make the gate big enough and weld the metal tubing borders. Here is just an idea on how should a pet gate look.

DIY Pet Gate
DIY Pet Gate in house

51. Security Door

This is a cool welding project if you want to increase the security of your home or workshop. You can use different materials, depending on how strong you want them to be. Keep in mind that you’ll need to think about the appearance. To make them look awesome and sturdy, just use some high-end finish and TIG welding tools. Here is a video that can help you build an awesome security door.

DIY Security Door
DIY painted security door

Other Interesting Welding Project Ideas

Here are some more exciting welding project ideas you can make at your home and maybe earn some money. They are easy to make, and you and your friends will love it.

52. Hanging Steel Pan Rack

This hanging shelf system gives your kitchen a modern industrial look. It is easy to make, as you need some cheap steel materials you can even find around the house. Follow simple instructions, and I’m sure you’ll be more than satisfied. In addition, you can find steel components cheap at any shop. Follow these instructions to find out how to build this project.

DIY Hanging Steel Pan Rack made of square tube
DIY Hanging Steel Pan Rack

53. Car Ramp

Welding car ramps can be a great way to make some money as there is a high demand among car businesses and garage enthusiasts. They can be a bit expensive to make and quite heavy. Nevertheless, you can make money by selling them, as there are several dimensions and sizes customers may require. Here is a video that can help you build your own car ramps.

DIY Car Ramp made of square tubes
DIY Car Ramp made of square tubes

54. Garden Wagon

If you like working around the garden, you can always use this cool project, to help you carry around heavy tools and fertilizers. You need two sheets of metal for the sides, one thicker sheet metal for the base, and four brackets. Then, you just need to add a wagon handle, and you are good to go. Watch the video below to find out how to make garden wagon.

DIY Garden Wagon made of square tubes and painted red
DIY Garden Wagon made of square tubes and painted black

55. Wheelchair Ramp

Life is complicated enough for people in a wheelchair, and you can make it easier by building a wheelchair ramp. This is an excellent welding project idea you can create and use at home or even opt to sell. It might take some time to make them, but having one helps a lot. Follow these instructions to find out how to build a wheelchair ramp.

DIY Wheelchair Ramp
DIY Wheelchair Ramp

56. Horseshoe Puzzle

This is an excellent welding project idea for puzzle lovers, as it never gets old. Furthermore, it is a simple project to make, as you only need a couple of horseshoes, a ring, and a couple of pieces of chain. Follow these instructions to find out how t o make this amazing, yet simple puzzle.

DIY Puzzle made from 3 horseshoes
DIY Puzzle made from 2 horseshoes

57. Firewood Rack

If you love staying by the fireplace in the winter, you need dry wood by your hand. Building a nice firewood rack is a great way to keep your home clean, and always have some firewood by your hand. You need two U-shaped strips of metal and cross supports along with the frame. You can use the picture below to get an idea how to build it.

DIY Firewood Rack full with wood
fancy DIY Firewood Rack filed with wood

59. Metal Brackets

If you don’t like when your coffee gets cold, you can always make this simple but exciting project. You can enjoy pleasant and warm coffee any time of the day. It is easy to make, as you only need to follow simple instructions and give it a couple of welds.

DIY Metal Brackets
DIY Metal Brackets

61. Candle Light Tree

You can always opt for making metal brackets out of scrap steel as they are an excellent way to make some extra money. In addition, they can be used in making shelves, frames, and furniture. You can always buy some to get an idea of what’s best at the moment, and you are set for success. Here is a video that can help you make industrial brackets.

This is one of the relatively simple welding ideas popular among teens and truck enthusiasts. You can make it easy as it doesn’t take too much time. They are usually not that useful, but they give vehicles that extraordinary and rugged appearance. Here is a video that can help you make an awesome off-road bumper kit.

cool square looking DIY candle light tree
fancy DIY iron art in the shape of a candle light


If you are a welding professional, you can do some serious projects like fences, gates, car ramps, and furniture frames. A complex project can earn you serious money, and it won’t take too much of your time. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or an professional. You can use these 61 project ideas to improve your workshop, yard, decorate your house or sell some serious stuff. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your machine and start welding!

Photo of author

Adam Mason

Welder by trade for a decade and more. Now also a web designer and a blog owner. Doing product reviews and writing blogs about welding trade and perks and minuses of being a welder.

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