Alaska offers welders enough welding training schools that can help you start your welding education. A GED or a high school diploma is enough to enroll in the programs, though at times, other requirements are required. Even though you can practice welding independently, getting proper education from experienced instructors and accredited schools is crucial.
Here is some helpful information to help you choose the best school. Before choosing your school, you should consider some things, such as tuition, course duration, teacher-to-student ratios. We made this list to help you make a right choice, and make sure you don’t waste your hard-earned money.
Best welding school in Alaska Northern Industrial Training
Northern Industrial training is one of the leading Alaska resources for vocational and corporate training support services. School offers various welding training, from structural, pipe, aluminum, advanced welding to fabrication and welding testing.
Program length is 160/320 or even 640 hours, and it depends on the course. Courses offer all the practical and theoretical knowledge from welding safety to weld quality. Course prices differ from $6.000 for the fabrication course to $18.250 for the ultimate practice, where welders can learn almost all about welding, welding symbols, and reading the drawings.
Besides welding, the school offers courses in truck driving, mechanics, safety, construction equipment workshops, and even online training.
Average Welder Salary in Alaska
The average welder salary in Alaska is one of the highest in America, and according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, it is $71,860 per year. The average welder’s median hourly wage is $35.07, but it depends on the welder’s skill. For example, top-level welders in Alaska can earn up to $107,738 per year or $51.80 per hour.
In Alaska, welders can do various jobs, and the most paid ones are: Making edifices and bridges, Power plants and refineries, Manufacturing, Shipbuilding, Aerospace application, fabrication, and repair.
Alaska Welding Schools List
Here is a list of welding schools in Alaska with additional information that might help you make the right choice. Keep in mind that this information may change over time, so if you notice any differences, please contact us.
Anchorage – University of Alaska
- Address: 3211 Providence Dr, Anchorage, AK 99508
- Phone number: (907) 786-1800
- Website:
- Credentials Offered: Certification, Associate degree
- Faculty/student ratio: 15:1
- One year estimated tuition and fees: $7.014
Alaska Vocational Technical Center
- Address: 809 Second Avenue, Seward, AK 99664
- Phone number: Toll free (800) 478-5389, (907) 224-3322
- Website:
- Credentials Offered: Certification
- One year tuition and fees: $4,677
University of Alaska Southeast
- Juneau Campus: 11066 Auke Lake Way, Juneau, AK 99801, General Inquiries: (907) 796‑6100 or Toll-free (877) 465‑4827
- Sitka Campus: 1332 Seward Ave, Sitka, AK 99835, General Inquiries: (907) 747‑7700 or Toll-free (800) 478‑6653
- Ketchikan Campus: 600 Stedman Street, Ketchikan, AK 99901, General Inquiries: (907) 225‑6177 or Toll-free (888) 550‑6177
- Website:
- Credentials Offered: Certification
- One year tuition fee: $6,192
- Student to teacher ratio: 23:1
Charter College
- Address: 2221 E Northern Lights Blvd, Anchorage, AK 99508,
- Phone number: (888) 200-9942
- Website:
- Credentials Offered: Certification
Ilisagvik College
- Address: 100 Stevenson St, Barrow, AK 99723
- Phone number: (907) 852-3333
- Website:
- Credentials Offered: Certification
- Iñupiaq language courses offer Free Tuition
- Student/teacher ratio: 19:1
Kenai Peninsula College
- Address: 156 College Road, Soldotna, AK 99669
- Phone number: (907) 262-0330, 1 (877) 262-0330 (out of local area)
- Website:
- Credentials Offered: Certification
- Student/teacher ratio: 14:1
Kodiak College – University of Alaska
- Address: 117 Benny Benson Dr, Kodiak, AK 99615
- Phone number: (800) 486-766,
- Website:
- Credentials Offered: Certification, Associate degree
- Student/teacher ratio: 12:1
- Tuition: Resident Lower level courses: $234 per credit, Resident Upper-level courses: $282 per credit hour
Northern Industrial Training, LLC
- Address: 1740 North Terrilou Court, Palmer, AK 99645, 3201 C Street Suite 308, Anchorage, AK 99503
- Phone number: (907) 357-6400, (907) 743-7700
- Website:
- Email:
- Credentials Offered: Certification
- Course cost: $6,000-$18,250
UAF Community & Technical College
- Address: 604 Barnette Street, Fairbanks, AK 99701
- Phone number: (877) 882-8827
- Website:
- Credentials Offered: Certification
- Student/teacher ratio: 12:1
- Tuition: Resident lower level $234 per credit, Non-resident lower level $800 per credit
- Resident Higher level: $282 per credit, Non-resident $848 per credit
University of Alaska Fairbanks – Bristol Bay Campus
- Address: 527 Seward St, Dillingham, AK 99576
- Phone number: (800) 478-5109, 907-842-5109
- Website:
- Email:
- Credentials Offered: Certification
- Tuition Resident 100-200 level: $234 per credit, Non-resident lower level $800 per credit
- Tuition Resident 300-400 level: $289 per credit, Non-resident $855 per credit
- Student/teacher ratio: 10:1