If you are considering starting your welding career in South Carolina, there are few things you should know. Sometimes a welding job does not require a proper certificate to begin working, but having one will significantly increase your chances of earning some money. Welders in South Carolina have a decent choice of welding schools. Welding schools usually require a GED or high school diploma, but sometimes requirements may differ.
You can always practice independently, but getting a proper education provided by experienced instructors and accredited schools is crucial. We compiled this list of welding schools in South Carolina to help you make the right choice and make sure you don’t waste your hard-earned money.
Average Welder Salary in South Carolina
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, welders in South Carolina can earn a mean annual wage of $44,770 or a median hourly wage of $20.69. This amount is slightly lower than the national welders’ mean yearly salary of $46,690. Still, there are many job opportunities.
When choosing a job, you should know that welders in air transportation can earn up to $92,230 annual mean wage, and the lowest paid are the welders working in the railroad industry with $41,170. The top 10% of the highly skilled welders in South Carolina can earn up to $63,830, while beginners usually make 29,720 a year.
List of Welding Schools in South Carolina
Here is a list of welding schools in South Carolina, with listed additional information. We try to keep the information up to date, but it may change over time, so please contact us if you notice any differences. We hope this list will help you choose the right school for you and start your welding education and career.
Aiken Technical College – Aiken Campus
- Address: 2276 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Graniteville, SC 29829
- Phone number: 803-593-9231, Toll-free: 800-246-6198
- Email: admissions@atc.edu
- Website: https://www.atc.edu/
- Credentials Offered: Certification, Associate degree
- SENSE School Level 1
- Tuition: Resident $189 per credit hour, Non-resident $267 per credit hour
- Student/Teacher ratio: 21:1
Arclabs Welding School
- Upstate Campus: 2615 Highway 153, Piedmont, SC 29673, Phone: 864.236.9995
- Midlands Campus: 700 Grace Road, Columbia, SC 29210, Phone: 803.807.9180
- Low Country Campus: 933 Commerce Circle, Hanahan, SC 29410, Phone: 843.261.0044
- Email: info@arclabs.edu
- Phone number: 877-647-4111
- Website: https://www.arclabs.edu/
- Credentials Offered: Certification
- Estimated tuition: $15,300.00
- Student/Teacher ratio: 20:1
Central Carolina Technical College
- Address: 506 N Guignard Dr, Sumter, SC 29150
- Phone number: (803) 778-1961
- Email: admissions@cctech.edu
- Website: https://www.cctech.edu/
- Credentials Offered: Certification
- SENSE School Level 1
- Tuition fee: Resident $194 per credit hour, Non-Resident $331 per credit hour
- Student/Teacher ratio: 16:1
Denmark Technical College
- Address: 1126 Solomon Blatt Blvd, Denmark, SC 29042
- Phone number: (803) 793-5176
- Website: https://www.denmarktech.edu/
- Credentials Offered: Certification
- Semester tuition: Resident $2,813.00, Non-resident $5,626.00
- Student/Teacher ratio: 11:1
Florence Darlington Technical College
- Address: 2715 W Lucas St, Florence, SC 29502
- Phone number: (843) 661-8324, Toll free (800) 228-5745
- Website: https://www.fdtc.edu/
- Credentials Offered: Certification
- AWS Accredited Test Facility
- Tuition: Resident $185 per credit hour, Non-resident $363 per credit hour
- Student/teacher ratio: 16:1
Greenville Technical College
- Main Campus: 506 S Pleasantburg Dr, Greenville, SC 29607
- Phone number: 864-250-8000
- Website: https://www.gvltec.edu/
- Credentials Offered: Certification
- Tuition and fees: Resident $277.00 per credit hour, Non-resident $470.00 per credit hour
- Student/Teacher ratio: 15:1
Horry-Georgetown Technical College
- Conway Campus: 2050 Highway 501 East, Conway, SC 29526
- Georgetown Campus: 4003 South Fraser Street, Georgetown, SC 29440
- Phone number: (843) 347-3186
- Email: admissions@hgtc.edu
- Website: https://www.hgtc.edu/
- Credentials Offered: Certification
- SENSE School Level 1 & 2
- Estimated tuition per semester: Resident $4,108.00, Non-resident $8,092.00
- Student/Teacher ratio: 31:1
International Diving Institute
- Address: 2340 Avenue F, North Charleston, SC 29405
- Phone number: (843) 740-1124
- Website: https://www.idicharleston.edu/
- Credentials Offered: Certification
- Air/Mixed Gas Surface Supplied Diving: Total tuition $28,650, Underwater Welding: Total tuition $4,900.00
- Student/Teacher ratio: 15:1
Midlands Technical College
- Address: 1260 Lexington Drive, West Columbia, SC 29170
- Phone number: 803.738.8324, Toll-free: 800.922.8038
- Website: https://www.midlandstech.edu/
- Credentials Offered: Certification
- Tuition: Resident $188 per credit hour, Non-resident $564 per credit hour
- Student/Teacher ratio: 18:1
Northeastern Technical College
- Address: 1201 Chesterfield Hwy, Cheraw, SC 29520
- Phone number: 843-921-6900, (800) 921-7399
- Email: info@netc.edu
- Website: http://www.netc.edu/
- Credentials Offered: Certification
- Tuition: Resident $177 per credit hour, Non-resident $301 per credit hour
- Student/Teacher ratio: 21:1
Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College
- Address: 3250 Saint Matthews Road, Orangeburg, SC 29118
- Phone number: 803.536.0311, 800.813.6519
- Website: https://www.octech.edu/
- Credentials Offered: Certification
- AWS Accredited Test Facility
- Tuition: Resident $195 per credit hour, Non-residents $310 per credit hour
- Student/teacher ratio: 15:1
Palmetto Training Inc
- Address: 1085 Thunderbolt Dr, Walterboro, SC 29488
- 1612 Plantation Dr. Hardeeville SC 29927,
- 2150 Eagle Drive North Charleston, SC 29406
- Phone number: (843) 538-2090
- Email: palmettotraining.sc@gmail.com
- Website: https://www.palmettotraining.com/
- Credentials Offered: Certification
- Program cost: $3,500-$8,000
Spartanburg Community College
- Address: 107 Community College Drive, Spartanburg, SC 29303
- Phone number: (864) 592-4600, (800) 922-3679
- Website: https://www.sccsc.edu
- Credentials Offered: Certification, Associate degree
- Tuition: Resident $198 per credit hour, Non-resident $403 per credit hour
- Student/Teacher ratio: 16:1
Tri-County Technical College
- Address: 7900 US-76, Pendleton, SC 29670
- Phone number: 866-269-5677, 864-646-8282
- Website: https://www.tctc.edu/
- Credentials Offered: Certification, Associate degree
- Tuition: Resident $185.33 per credit hour, Non-resident $429.33
- Student/Teacher ratio: 26:1
Trident Technical College
- Address: 7000 Rivers Avenue, North Charleston, SC 29406
- Phone number: 843-574-6111, 877-349-7184
- Website: https://www.tridenttech.edu/
- Credentials Offered: Certificate, Associate degree
- SENSE School Level 1 & 2
- Tuition: Resident $188.69 per credit hour, Non-resident $357.14 per credit hour
- Student/teacher ratio: 25:1
Williamsburg Technical College
- Address: 601 Martin Luther King Junior Avenue, Kingstree, SC 29556
- Phone number: 843-355-4130
- Email: info@wiltech.edu
- Website: http://www.wiltech.edu/
- Credentials Offered: Certification
- Tuition: Resident $179 per credit hour, Non-resident $342 per credit hour
- Student/Teacher ratio: 26:1
York Technical College
- Address: 452 S Anderson Rd, Rock Hill, SC 29730
- Phone number: (803) 327-8000, (800) 922-TECH
- Website: https://yorktech.edu/
- Credentials Offered: Certification, Associate degree
- SENSE School Level 1 & 2
- AWS Accredited Test Facility
- Tuition: Resident $199.00 per credit hour, Non-resident $405.00 per credit hour