You can always practice welding on your own, and getting a welding job does not always require a certificate. Nevertheless, getting a proper education provided by experienced instructors and accredited schools can significantly increase your chances of getting a job.
Welders in Wyoming can earn quite a few bucks and have various jobs in welding. Therefore, choosing the right school to get your welding knowledge is essential, and most of the schools will help you get your first job and prove your skills.
Luckily, there are quite a few welding schools in Wyoming, which will help you get there. When choosing a school, make sure it offers proper hands-on and theoretical knowledge to help you weld independently. We made this list of welding schools in Wyoming to help you make the right choice and make sure you don’t waste your hard-earned money.
Average Welding Salary in Wyoming
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor, welders in Wyoming can earn an annual mean salary of $59,800 and a median hourly wage of $27.41. This amount is way more than the average national mean weld salary of $46,690, which sounds tempting. Wyoming has the highest concentration of jobs with 7.28 welders per 1000 jobs and the highest location quotient of 2.55.
Welders have various jobs in Wyoming, as they can work in construction, fabrication, auto and motorcycle fabrication, and many more. With such a high salary, welding is a tempting career in Wyoming, and nothing is stopping you from starting your education.
List of Welding Schools in Wyoming
Here is a list of welding schools in Wyoming, with listed contacts and additional information. Most schools require a high school diploma, but this can differ, so make sure you pay attention when applying. Also, keep in mind that provided information may change over time, so please contact us if you notice any differences.
Casper College
- Address: 125 College Drive, Casper, WY 82601
- Phone number: 307-268-2100
- Email:
- Website:
- Credentials Offered: Certification, Associate degree
- Tuition fee (fall and spring semester): Resident: $4,110, Non-resident $10,050
- Student/Teacher ratio: 13:1
Central Wyoming College
- Address: 2660 Peck Avenue, Riverton, WY 82501
- Phone number: (307) 855 – 2000, 307-268-2100
- Website:
- Credentials Offered: Certification
- SENSE School Level 1 & 2
- AWS Accredited Test Facility
- Tuition (15 credits): Resident $4,680, Non-resident $10,980
- Student/Teacher ratio: 13:1
Eastern Wyoming College
- Address: 3200 West C St, Torrington, WY 82240
- Phone number: 307.532.820, 866.327.8996
- Website:
- Credentials Offered: Certification, Associate degree
- AWS Accredited Test Facility
- Tuition: Resident $99 per credit hour, Non-resident $297 per credit hour
- Student/Teacher ratio: 25:1
Laramie County Community College
- Address: 1400 East College Drive, Cheyenne, WY 82007
- Phone number: 800.522.2993
- Website:
- Credentials Offered: Certification
- Tuition fee: Resident $153.75 per credit hour, Non-resident $363.75 per credit hour
- Teacher/Student ratio: 15:1
Northwest College
- Address: 231 W 6Th Street, Powell, WY 82435
- Phone number: 800-560-4692
- Email:
- Website:
- Credentials Offered: Certification, Associate degree
- Estimated tuition: Resident $4,514.00, Non-resident $7,898.00
Northern Wyoming Community College District
- Sheridan College Campus: 1 Whitney Way, Sheridan, WY 82801
- Gillette College Campus: 300 West Sinclair St, Gillette, WY 82718
- Phone number: 307-675-0505
- Website:
- Credentials Offered: Certification, Associate degree
- Student/Teacher ratio: 8:1
Western Wyoming Community College
- Address: 2500 College Drive, Rock Springs, WY 82901
- Phone number: 307.382.1600, Toll-free: 800.226.1181
- Website:
- Credentials Offered: Certification, Associate degree
- AWS Accredited Test Facility
- Tuition: Resident $150 per credit hour, Non-resident $360 per credit hour
- Student/Teacher ratio: 13:1
Western Welding Academy
- Address: 2107 N Hwy 14-16, Gillette, WY 82716
- Phone number: (307)-284-5313
- Email:
- Website:
- Credentials Offered: Certification
- Course cost: $5,350-$20,560