You should understand one thing right off the bat.
There are A LOT of welders and plasma cutters on the marketplace. Most of them are cheap and of poor quality, some of them are affordable but of decent quality for hobbyists and small welding shops, and a tiny minority of brands on the marketplace offer durable, high quality machines that can take a lot of welding work.
The machines that are designed for day in day out work, year after year, cost a lot of money. You can't get that in an affordable range. Especially if they are specialized machines with tens of useful features.
However, the best price to quality ratio sits with those machines that are affordable and built with decent quality. They are the best for a hobbyist, novice welders, DIY metalworkers and artists and small welding shop owners.
Our blog reviews these quality but affordable machines and the high-end expensive stuff. We don't bother ourselves with cheap machines that end up dead two months down the road.

Best MIG Welder Reviews
This is one of our best articles and the most popular one with the readers. That's because we reviewed the best MIG machines on the market for different needs and budgets. A beginner welder will find a lot of good options and even more importantly a detailed guide on how to choose the right machine for your needs.

Best TIG Welder Reviews
Choosing the right TIG welder for your needs is tricky and in this article, we will show you exactly which features are important for what use. Most people think "aluminum" when they think about TIG welders but there is a lot more to be said. We reviewed the best machines for different budgets and wrote an in-depth guide on choosing yours.

Best Stick Welder Reviews
Stick welders are rather simple machines but even they have their differences. AC or DC? Sometimes it makes a big difference. Furthermore, features like anti-stick and hot start are really helpful. In this article, you will learn exactly what to look for and what are the best stick welders for all budgets and use cases.
It is best if you know in advance what kind of a welding machine user you are.
If you are working as a professional welder then you already know. Demanding work requires a durable machine. But what if your work could get easier if your machine had another feature? That's why it is important to keep in mind what kind of work you will be doing the most when selecting a professional machine.
If you are a hobbyist, on the other hand, you must set realistic expectations of the hobbyist-level machine. Don't think that you can get an AC TIG welder that does HF start and is durable to handle hours of daily work under a $500 mark. That's just not realistic. You should have a clear picture of what your welder will be doing and buy the one that you can afford AND that is capable of what you need.
Most of the hobbyist-grade machines we review are capable of almost everything a hobbyist needs. However, some of them offer more than others and at a better price while not jeopardizing the quality. These are your best bet. But different tastes call for different machines so we review a range of quality machines for hobbyist grade work.
We hope our reviews in tandem with our Welding 101 articles will help everyone start welding and get themselves into this awesome trade.
Now go get yourself a good welder, place some beads and if they turn out a bit wobbly at first - Just grind it a little ;).